Dramatis Personae

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. Shakespeare

Tour Team:  

  • Intrepid Leader - Susie, Italy.  
  • Expert Guide - Sonam, Thimphu.  
  • Fearless Driver - Lotey, Thimphu.  
  • Master of The Bags - Dawa, Thimphu.  

Travelers and Explorers:

  • Aline - Hampshire.  
  • Doug and Margaret - Surrey.
  • Douglas and Lysianne - Quebec.  
  • Elaine - Derbyshire.  
  • Frances - Yorkshire.  
  • James and Annie - Derbyshire.  
  • Johanna - Wiltshire.  
  • Judy - Wiltshire.  
  • Martyn and Jeff - Sussex and New Zealand.  
  • Rene and Rie - Denmark.  

Tour Company

The Ultimate Travel Company - https://www.theultimatetravelcompany.co.uk/

Susie - our Intrepid Tour Leader - patience of a Saint.
Sonam - our Expert Guide - very advanced, and also known as Tallie!
Fearless Lotey - catching some sunshine.
Dawa, Master of the Bags - bound for the Tigers Nest.